Is everyone ready for the knit Like An Outlaw Day?
In case you haven't heard of it, it's the day after Thanksgiving and we'll celebrate by... well... knitting like an Outlaw. Knit in public, knit at home while having Outlaw type beverages (and yes, Kool-aid counts), or knit like an Outlaw at the in-law's house. Anything goes but if you end up needing bail money it make take a day or two for the rest of us to raise the funds so CYA when possible.
Count me in! I knit like an Outlaw every day!
I'm ready! Heck, any day is good for knitting and beverages! I'm not picky. (you already knew that, though)
Woo Hoo! I will be knitting like an Outlaw at the local Mall, and then I will be off to the local Hockey Arena to watch WMU play OSU...while knitting of course!
I will be joining Ms the Zombie Prom Date Knitters gather.
Will I get arrested if a (or a few, depending on demand) Baileys mini/s manages to slip into my knitting bag to flavor the cuppa I hope to reach for when I put down *gasp* (only for coffee...or chocolate...or Baileys) the needles?
And Friday night is O'Dooley's night--count me in!
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